Sunday, July 31, 2005

If it's Vegan it must be good

I decided to peruse the PETA website. PETA also known to me as Pricks for the Extremist Treatment of Animals has a kids magazine called Grrr. They had this handy bit of info and a crossword puzzle on their site:

Have a serious case of the munchies, but the nearest health food store is 10 miles away and your Go-Ped isn't street legal? Don't worry, vegan grub is as close as the local 7-Eleven or Piggly Wiggly. You'll be surprised at how many snacks lurking on supermarket shelves are totally animal-free. Things like Cracker Jacks, Nabisco Iced Oatmeal Cookies, Krispy Kreme fruit pies, and several flavors of Jell-O Instant Pudding are all vegan. We've hidden a smorgasboard of scrumptious nosh in this puzzle, but we didn't have room for it all, so if you're hungry for more, visit

Good, we don't want anyone eating any animal products but we have no problem with you downing sugar-filled fat-loaded junkfood. I hope they choke on a blowpop which is one of their Vegan food items listed in their crossword puzzle along with Twizzlers, Hot Tamales, Famous Amos cookies and tater tots. I didn't finish the puzzle but since Wheat thins was the only thing marginally not junk food I decided it was safe to say it's pretty shitty list. Maybe this is their grand plan.. turn the world's youth into lard ass, diabetic,2 inch vertical leap, heart attack in trainings so that everyone can croak and the animals can take over. Let me reiterate my thoughts. Fuck you, fuck you and if you are unsure about my position on your concept of good food choices then why don't you go play a game of Hide and Go Fuck Yourselves.

Oh, and members of PETA.. in order to stick with your beliefs please refrain from using any medicine developed through animals testing. That should thin the herd out

News From the Other Side

The Juice is squeezed. O.J. Simpson has been oredered to pay $25,000 to DirecTV for using signal stealing decoder boxes. Simpson denied knowledge of the boxes in his Florida home and offered to help find the real pirates. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have scheduled a press conference for Monday, August 1 to express support for Simpson and protest DirecTv's "participation in a conspiracy to deny African-Americans' rights to have 500 channels of digital quality television." not moving on. Unnamed sources involved with have expressed dismay over the organization's inability to shake the 2004 election loss. "I've seen the MoveOn Mobile driving by the White House at 2AM, just continually drving by it for a half hour or more" says one source. Others have mentioned the John Kerry pictures still lingering about. "They blow it off, saying they haven't gotten around to throwing away all of the Kerry promotionals, but I have caught them looking at his picture now and then. I can tell it still hurts."

One high level source confirmed that if they are defeated in their attempts to prevent John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court they will change their name to

News from Shrubland


Iran to resume work on nuclear program Monday. President Bush will meet with advisors on strategies to prevent weapons grade material production. He will also consider what implications this has for their nucular program as well.

Seven more arrested in connection with failed London bombing. President Bush took the opportunity to reaffirm the Us-UK coalitions war on Tara. In a press conference Thursday, there was no further information from DoD on possible location of Rhett and Scarlet.

Threat level raised to Burnt Sienna. In response to Bush's repeated insistence on vigilance against evildoers, Homeland Security has advised U.S. Citizens to be on the look out for suspicious men in black cape and top hat carrying blonde damsels near railroad tracks. Homeland Security is concerned by potential attempts to derail Amtrak commuter trains. Although no word on results from the investigation of last years deadly Amtrak derailment, sources tell us they are sure it was deliberate act and will be asking the public's help in identifying the seventy-five cents in flattened U.S. coins used to derail the train.

Bolton's confirmation as U.N. Ambassador seen as increasingly difficult. When asked about Bolton's chance to be confirmed, Senator Ted Kennedy replied "This shouldn't be a bi-partisan vote if people looked at his background, he just isn't qualified. I mean, come on look how he fucked up When A Man Loves a Woman, there's no way he should be even considered."

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Trade the Golden State for the Sunshine State?

My Mom was talking to me about the new job my Step Brother is in, mortgage brokerage. Apparently my Step Sis who is in banking could get me hooked up with a top flight brokerage house and I would definitely increase my income and if I'm really lucky by a lot. So, I have to consider the pros and cons. Talking outloud here, feel free to weigh in.

1. More annual income - 'nuff said
2. Cheaper housing - The pisser is that the prices over there have gone apeshit, but still you would have to move out to the farther parts of the Inland Empire to get comporable value and this is in Orlando area I'm talking
3. Family - Mom and Paul are over there and I would finally get to know Paul's side of the family.

1. Family - This is my biggest concern. Dad & Kim aren't very able-bodied anymore and they've needed my help for yardwork and such, so before I even think about it I would need to talk with them since there really isn't anyone else to give them a hand there that i can think of.
2. Friends - My best friends are in CA, and I would definitely miss them. There is the point that I barely see any of them these days, might even see them as much if I flew back now and then. Since they come only second to family it still is a difficult call since I wouldn't be able to just pick up and meet them.
3. Weather - I would be living in A/C since it is hot and sticky for a good while.

It's Pat

I was driving home from work today and I saw a something. I am not sure if it was a heavy bull-dykish looking woman, or a guy with man-boobs. It had a short mullet, so it could have been a lesbi-mullet or it might have been the execu-mullet look for men. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good look. Unless you are watching female impersonators, inability to identify an adults gender is trouble.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Crusade For Cruise

JAG's Catherine Bell and actress Kelly Preston have come to Tom Cruise's defense after his comments about Brooke Shield's use of medication to combat post-partum depression.

"I think he's so cool for standing up," Bell told ET about his war of the words over post partum medication.

"It's no coincidence that in the last two weeks, there have been two huge FDA warnings," says Kelly. "We wouldn't have these warnings without Tom and others speaking out."

First of all I would like to say, FUCK YOU, YOU L. RON HUBBARD GROUPIES. Yea, big surprise that both of these idiots are Scientologists, kind of transparent too since there actually hasn't been a lot of people tripping over themselves in support of fellow Scientologist Cruise on this.

Yea, if it weren't for Tommy the FDA was going to give a big pass to the drug makers. Right, and Clarence Thomas was responsible for "New Coke"

More from Preston:

"If you're going to be advocating drugs, which she does in her book, you need to be responsible for also telling the people of the potential risks." She also said that Tom's debate with Matt was "very helpful because it's just raised awareness. People are talking about it now, and that's what they should be ... Whatever your political, social or religious background, this is an issue that affects all of us. It is not just a Scientology issue."

Yes, you are right, they are talking about it.... about how Cruise was a dick and how he should have kept his mouth shut. I don't think Brooke has a real responsibility to discuss all implications, that's pretty much what the doctor who prescribes them to you is for.

Quite right that this isn't a Scientology issue, but the idiots here in my estimation are Scientologists, so it makes it a part of the issue.

Celebrities: The Further Adventures of Idiots

Just read an article about celebrities' babies' names. Further proof there are more than a few who just are in another world. Some examples of the celebs and their kids names:

Korn's Jonathan Davis' son: Pirate (as soon as kids learn the slang Butt Pirate, that's his new name)

Penn Jillette's (Pen & Teller) daughter: Moxie Crimefighter (Try making your head appear out of your ass, Penn)

Sir Bob Geldof: Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom and Pixie (Someone should change his title to Sir Bob, 1st Earl of Dickheadshire

Will Ferrell: Magnus (Good name if he becomes a super villain)

Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin: Apple (Kumquat would have been more exotic)

Erykah Badu: Puma & Seven (Loosen the headwrap idiot)

and of course Frank Zappa with: Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Rodan and Diva Muffin.

There are plenty of celebrities out there who have decent tastes in naming their kids, some of these are so egregiously bad they are amazing. Apparently these celebs' significant others are just as big of chucklefucks to allow their kids to be names as such. Maybe we should take to renaming the celebrities ourselves, we could come with some good 0ne's I'm sure

Fashion Sense

Some things to know about fashion.

In Los Angeles you do not wear shorts to an indoor gig, with the possible exceptions of Reggae or beach locale venue. I do at local venues at times, but if I venture into the Westside or Hollywood I bow to pressure. It is important to make sure you get it right though. You need to approach the look as either beach bum style or casual suburbanite. I opt for the latter. You need to stay away from black tennis shoes, jean shorts, t-shirts with sports logos or sleeveless shirts. This says "I need to keep cool while cooking up meth in my hidden lab in the 909" Not a good look

Being too slavish to fashion can lead to some unfortunate looks. I saw two girls decked out in all black and both had knit caps on. This would be fine except it was 2 weeks ago and it was 90 degrees out. You just look stupid. Same goes for the moron at the show I was at last night who had on the knit cap that came down over the ears. You're not at a music festival in Aspen in March you dickhead, it's LA in July. Since when does a ski cap double as a fashion accessory here. Apparently since hipsters want to make a statement only recognized by them.

And please ladies, for the love of God, Allah, Buddha, Mom and Apple Pie, if you have a gut don't wear open middrift tops. The woman I saw in Vegas was a key example. If your stomach is lapping over your metal studded belt.. hide it. I mention ladies since most men don't go open middrift, and in general it's not good unless you are marching in the Gay Pride parade.

The same goes for wearing tight clothes. As I say, I'm heavy, but I don't shrinkwrap my fat ass. Tight tops on fit people can look good. If your form fitting shirts effect is to separate the rolls then it's not sexy, it just turns you into a variation of the Michelin Man.

So, wear what you want to wear, but feel free to look in a mirror and check in with your common sense.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Blatant Blog Ripoff

I took this from a friend's blog. Feel free to paste into comments with your answer. May take multiple posts in comments if they restrict the size

... smoked a cigarette - Yes, once fitting in with a bunch of chain smoking teenagers in Mexico City

... smoked a cigar - No

... crashed a friend's car - Nope, don't even like to drive someone else's car

... stolen a car - Big no

... been in love - Yep

... been dumped - Yea

... been fired - When I was 17, from Kmart.. that's bad

... been in a fist fight - Not since 6th grade

... snuck out of your parent's house - Yes

... been arrested? - No, but got busted for shoplifting when I was 12

... made out with a stranger? - No

... gone on a blind date? - No

... lied to a friend? - More like.. little white lie, but not recently

... had a crush on a teacher? - No, my teachers were all men, old or damn ugly

... skipped school? - No

... slept with a co-worker? - Yes

... seen someone die? - No

... been on a plane - Yes

... thrown up in a bar? - No

... taken painkillers? - Only when I was in hospital

... love someone or miss someone right now? - No

... laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? - Yes

... made a snow angel - Yes

... played dress up? - No

... cheated while playing a game? - I don't recall, but I'm sure I did
... been lonely?- Certainly

... fallen asleep at work/school? - Yes, more at work than school

... used a fake ID - No

... felt an earthquake? - Hell yea, I live in So. Cal

... touched a snake - I don't like scaly critters, so probably not

... ran a red light - Yea

... been suspended from school? - No

... had detention? - Definitely

... been in a car accident? - Yes

... hated the way you look? -Definitely

... witnessed a crime? - Last one I recall was after the REM show at the Avalon, a hit and run when a bunch of idiots in a Beamer sideswiped another car and took off

... pole dance? - Uh no. that would just be scary

... questioned your heart - More than I can count.

... been lost - Oh yea

... been to the opposite side of the country? Yes, travelled on East Coast more than a few times

... felt like dying? - Yes

... cried yourself to sleep? - Yes

... played cops and robbers? - I don't think so

... sung karaoke? - Oh no

... done something you told yourself you wouldn't? - More than I probably even realize

... laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? -I don't think I've ever had it come out my nose

... caught a snowflake on your tongue? - Yes

... sang in the shower? - Yea

... made love in a park? - Nope

... had a dream that you married someone? - No

... glued your hand to something? - No

... got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? - No

... worn the opposite sex's clothes? - No
... been a cheerleader? - No

... sat on a roof top? - Yes

... didn't take a shower for a week? - I think the longest would have been about 2-3 days while camping

... scared to watch scary movies? - Not scared to, but they definitely scare me

... been pushed into a pool with your clothes? - No

... been told you're hot by a complete stranger? - Nope

... broken a bone? - No

... been easily amused? - Definitely

... laughed so hard you cried? - Yes

... cried so hard you laughed? - Hmm, don't know about that one
... mooned/flashed someone? - Moon, yes

... cheated on a test? - Algebra in high school.. many times

... forgotten someone's name? - Yes, but fortunately not often

... slept naked? - Yes, but not often

... skinny dipping in a pool? - No

... been kicked out of your house? - No

... blacked out from drinking? - Yes

... played a prank on someone? - Yes

... gone to a late night movie? - Yes

Friday, July 15, 2005

Useless Nations

I rented Hotel Rwanda last week. Great movie, that did a decent job of discussing the Rwandan genocide within the context of one man's story. This week also marked the 10th Anniversary of the Serbian overrun of Srebrenica and subsequent massacre of approx. 8,000 Muslim men & boys. These meld together in the fact that in both cases the United Nations (and for that matter, the world's communities too) completely failed to protect innocent citizens from slaughter. Unfortunately, the cycle continues in Sudan, Congo and other places.

If one the UN's missions is to help the less fortunate populations of the world, stepping in to halt government supported ethnic violence should be taken seriously. The UN has used armed forces under their command to combat aggression before, but it's been quite selective.

UN forces wouldn't even have to undertake offensive operations to be effective. Placing enough troops and equipment to in UN safehavens with competent commanders permitted to defend these zones would save lives. Dealing with Serbian forces was more difficult since they were fairly well equipped, but it could have been done earlier. Defending against some dipshit militias whose most advanced weapon system is a heavy machine gun mounted on a pickup is another matter. These pinheads wouldn't fare well against well-prepared professional troops. Somalia resonates with people, but the worst happened there when we went in light the middle of the bad guys. If the bad guys have to go through professional forces to get to civilians I think it will bea different story.

None of this matters though if the larger nations do not step up to press for intervention. So, good people of Africa, I hope to hell you find some export we can't live without because people aren't apparently a good enough reason

Primal Scream

Q: If Steve yells "Move fuckhead" at someone while in his car and no one is around to hear it, does he make a sound?

Well of course I do, the real question would be does it make sense. Even with a short commute I get plenty of opportunites to express my displeasure at the morons who haven't learned driving etiquette or even the difference between their ass and their elbow. Can they hear me? No. Do I care? No. The venting feels good.

I find that watching sports and driving are my worst spots for venting. I can tame it down if in mixed company, but sometimes all it takes is the removal of their immediate presence to allow me to go free. This can get me into trouble as when watching football game I yell "Fuck you Irvin, you whining cocksucker".. just as my Mom walked in. Now mind you I was in my 20's but Mom just doesn't need to hear that.

How many of you out there do the same? Do you yell at discourteous drivers, brick-shooting basketball players or TV commentators you disagree with? Most of the people I know do. If you don't, let it out since you know how unhealthy to keep things bottled up.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

New York W(h)ine

New York has changed an out of date, out of touch law dealing with the sale of wine. I really don't care as I don't drink wine, but a couple of items in the article caught my attention. First, from Gov. George Pataki:

"I have no doubt that the Finger Lakes can certainly match, maybe even surpass" California's famed Napa Valley someday,

And I have no doubt you are a typical dickhead politician that spouts off bullshit. Come on George, I'm not buying it and I doubt many others are. In terms of quality I can't speak towards but for production quantity.. you've got a ways to go baby. California accounted for 67% of all wine sales to the States, foreign took almost the rest. All other States accounted for 7%. Shoot for the stars, as usual though the politicos won't be there when the hard work is needed.

The second self serving part was this gem

Serving as a buffer between producers and the public, the politically powerful wholesalers collect billions of dollars in excise taxes each year. Looser controls on wine, they argued, could lighten state tax coffers and potentially pump up underage drinking.

Well, if the bottlers use the same tax I'm thinking they will end up with same amount. The true wonder is the beautifully ridiculous statement that it could have an effect on underage drinking. Yes, I remember the halcyon days of my youth when our parents were gone and we got our older friends to make a Zinfadel run for us. Dipshits. Maybe if you categorize Boone's Farm as wine you might have a 0.005% increase.

So, now all you winos out there can now have the NY wines shipped directly to you.. and I'll go down to BevMo and get my Bacardi Limon

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Afraid of A Girl Are Ya?

Michelle Wie is something completely different. Being a 15 year old Asian girl around 6 feet tall alone qualifies her as being out of ordinary. There's a little throw in to the mix though. There is a better than average chance that one day soon she will be able to compete in a tournament against the best MEN in the world.

The thought of a teenage girl beating you has got to be a mind fuck of the highest order for male pro golfer. Some just don't want her there as stated in an article I read:

"I don't think she should be here," said Danny Green, who tied for second in medal play after matching the tournament low with a 65 for a 2-under 138. "I think she should play in the women's tournaments because they don't let the men play in women's tournaments. I just don't agree with that, but it's not my call. She qualified and she is going by the rules. She's here and she is a great player. I've got nothing against that."

Yes Danny, you do have something against that. Not only are you a whiney bitch who deserves to play on the Whiney Bitch Professional Golf Association (WBPGA) Tour, you are an idiot. The reason they don't allow men to play in LPGA events is that Men can typically outdrive women, giving them an unfair advantage. Michelle here is playing on an even field. So, you, BeeJay Singh and the other cave men can go hit the little ball at windmills and over ramps at Camelot Miniature Golf Course.

As for me I look forward to anything else that livens up this boring ass white bread game.

Friday, July 08, 2005


The scumbags have crawled out of the cracks again to murder innocent people and they will justify it many ways but it's just plain murder.

Even the far left should have a hell of a time putting any kind of spin on it. Anyone who says it was as a result of The British being over in Iraq is a fucking idiot. It's a result of them not liking who the British are and their foreign policy. If they were really fighting against those in Iraq then they would be targeting military installations. That would be tougher though wouldn't it.

These chicken shits go after unarmed populace deliberately since it's easier. Someone will say we in the West have killed civilians? Yes, but that happens during war unfortunately, always has always will. The difference is we don't deliberately target them and I firmly believe we do what we can to avoid civilian casualties. We, in general respect life they have no respect for it.

It's simple, these people try and kill us, because of who we are. I don't doubt for a second that they would commit genocide on an unprecedented scale if they had the means, so they could create their "paradise". Don't try to paint them as freedom fighters or some warrior of faith. They are extremists who have twisted their faith to serve their ideals. They have little desire to interact with others in our world unless they absolutely have to and then only if it suits their best interest at the time. If they are under some yoke of oppression somewhere it is because that government has been trying to deal with the menace they present. It is a small wonder they must use force to gain power since there is not a large following for such a backwards group. It's a shame to even refer to them as Muslims, since it taints the millions of followers who are as peaceful as anyone.

It would be nice if these extremists would stand out somehow, but the fact is they can blend in with the masses. This means that many people have to keep a vigilant eye to do the utmost to prevent more killings. These backwards assholes think this is some glory, but it only increases the resolve in which we hunt them.

In general, I would say things would work much better if they peacefully worked for change. That however involves compromise which is somethng they are unwilling to do. So, my next best solution is to find the roaches and stomp them flat.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Disconnected at Work

Next week I hit 8 years with the same company. Overall it's been a good experience, but it feels more and more that the best days are behind. I am sure things will change, they always have here. Although I am not that crazy about what I am doing right now, it's not the work that is bringing me down it's the people.

My office has always been a smaller office. Generally we've never operated with more than 10 staff to support the brokers. Throughout that time there have always been a number of people who I could call my friends. As is the case, those people left voluntarily or not, but still I was always able to develop a rapport with the new additions. Until lately.

I've started to feel more and more disconnected with the others at work. Part of it is that I no longer work with the whole office, I just support one team of brokers. That however is not the reason. The people we have now, I've never been able to get completely comfortable with. Years past, a number of the staff used to go to the movies or go out for drinks now and then (I was even given the unofficial title of Social Coordinator). That just doesn't happen anymore. That part doesn't bother me that much anymore, people have other things to do it sucks but that's understandable. I admit I miss the office comraderie, it made for a richer workplace. What bothers me most is that I am not comfortable with the current staff. I have no level of trust with most of them like I did with previous people. There is no connection. And unfortunately it is extending to management too.

I still had some people at work who I trusted, but I did't work with them full time, one works in another office as well as ours and the other has been out due to injury. Well, now that number of people is down to one. The latest casualty is my coworker who had been out from breaking her neck in December. She worked here for 14 years. I don't know what happened but somewhere along that way she went from being friends with our manager to being fired without even the benefit of a phone call. A letter from HR was how she found out. I don't know what the manager's side of the story is, maybe my friend pissed her off, but it couldn't have been at work since she hasn't been able to return. I know she said that our manager wouldn't return her calls beginning a few months ago, so something was wrong for a bit.

There was a time I had a pretty good handle on what was going on, but that's not the case anymore. The saving grace is that with this place things change. We will be merging with our Sherman Oaks office in a few months for one. Hopefully this will work out well. As much time as I spend in the office it makes life a lot better if it isn't "just a job."

Summer Movies

So far this Summer has seen some of it's blockbuster movies live up to expectations, a nice change from the frequent disappointments.

I've seen Star Wars: Episode III, Batman Begins and War of the Worlds. All 3 have met my expectations or exceeded.

Star Wars had great special effects and fight scenes and some really shitty dialogue and character direction. It was better than Ep. I & II, so it fell right in line with what I envisioned. Lucas had to finish this one on a higher note or it would have tainted the franchise.

Batman Begins was better than I expected. It had a cast that worked quite well for the most part. They played this one seriously, no camp like the others. Batman in this one was out to scare the shit out of the criminals. I liked how they took some time in developing who Bruce Wayne was and how he came to this point. Well done, look forward to more.

War of the Worlds was my latest. Spielberg did a great job with this one. Granted there are some cliche's in this one that I've skewered before, but that gets lost a bit when the action is going. Spielberg uses his bags of tricks of sound, lighting and pace to create some good tense moments. When things are not blowing apart, he does a nice job of making you feel the dread drowning the characters.

I have often commented that this Summer didn't have a lot of "big" movies this year. In this case though I will take quality over quantity every time.

Vegas Baby

What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas they say. Good thing, wouldn't want to make a habit of whizzing away money, puking my guts out and generally running around like poultry sans head.

I was heading to Vegas to celebrate my friends' John and Jennifer renewal of their vows on their 10th Anniversary. I hadn't been to Vegas for a couple of years, was looking forward to it, although it was not typical Vegas trip but more mellow.

The trip started with a bang Wednesday when I heard from my Mom that their flight from Florida was hour and a half late and they missed their connector, so they were stuck in St. Louis for the night. That complicated my plans since I was supposed to sleep on the sofa bed in their room, but The Venetian wouldn't let me take it for the night without them.

So, ten minutes before I need to leave I have to get online quick and book a room. I search by price and hit the cheapest place on the strip I recognize and probably doesn't involve too many unkown stains in the room; The Tropicana.

With room assigned I head to the airport (LAX). I get to the ticket counter and try to do auto check in and it tells me that I can't check luggage in, I missed the cut off time by about 8 minutes. Seeing that I am having problems a United counter person came over to assist me. I say assist as chronic diarrhea would assist in weight loss. She tells me to go into another line. She doesn't bother to see that I wouldn't have to check my bag as it will fit in the overhead, noooo. I instead get into a 30 minute long line that almost makes me miss my flight. Airline industry sucks.

The lady at the Tropicana was great, she bumped me up to a suite. A nice gesture, but since it was 1:30 AM all I wanted to do was sleep. The problem with the Tropicana and the other older casinos is that the rooms have little in the way of pizzaz and they are quite musty since most were around when smoking was allowed.

Almost every Casino in Vegas has a buffet that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Tropicana was no exception, their buffet was the Island Buffet. I call it the Deserted Island Buffet since it was pretty sparse and required some desperation. What a rip off, but I needed a quick bite and it was close. Speaking of buffets, the buffet would provide one of the memorable moments of the trip.

Friday, Mom, my Step-Dad Paul and I ate at Paris' buffet for breakfast. This turned out to be a bad idea since it really never settled in all the running around. After a nice ceremony for John & Jen they took us all out to the buffet at the Aladdin. It's a huge buffet and I sampled here and there, not a lot but it hit me... I'm not feeling to well. Cut to the chase, I staggered back to the room (now at The Venetian) and proceeded to barf and barf. Pork loin is much better the first time around when it is going down. Lesson learned.. 2 buffet in a day is just stupid.

Forutnately the throwing up was the worst part of the trip. I lost a $100 in minutes, but that happens. The room at the Venetian was nice, even sleeping on sofa bed wasn't bad. Many people claim that the room in Vegas isn't that important since you don't spend much time in your room. Bullshit. Even if you don't kick it in your room for a while, if you stay in a C list Casino you come out into a depressing cheese-a-rama eyesore casino full of trailer trash. You still have some of that element in the A list casino's but it's not as bad.

The hottie quotient is much higher in the A listers and you get fewer of the misfires of humanity. People watching in Vegas is fantastic. I really wonder whether some people own mirrors. I know it's hot, but some of you need to consider more cover. There was an older woman wearing shorts who was so wrinkled it would have made a Shar-Pei say "Damnnn" Then there was the other eye gouge inducing woman in shorts (Ma'am we've had reports of someone smuggling 40 pounds of cottage cheese from the salad bar in each thigh, could you come with us). Then there were the women who resided on the opposite plane of existence. Nice thing about 108 degree weather, less clothes. Overall, you have such a diverse population there is something for everyone.

All in all it was a decent trip. Good to see the folks. Would have liked to have spent more time with John & Jen and their family, maybe another time. The great thing with Vegas is that no matter how much the appearance changes it's still the same sin city and I wouldn't have it any other way.

For those of you who've never seen Las Vegas, trek on to my photo page and go to the Vegas album. Not other place quite like it