The scumbags have crawled out of the cracks again to murder innocent people and they will justify it many ways but it's just plain murder.
Even the far left should have a hell of a time putting any kind of spin on it. Anyone who says it was as a result of The British being over in Iraq is a fucking idiot. It's a result of them not liking who the British are and their foreign policy. If they were really fighting against those in Iraq then they would be targeting military installations. That would be tougher though wouldn't it.
These chicken shits go after unarmed populace deliberately since it's easier. Someone will say we in the West have killed civilians? Yes, but that happens during war unfortunately, always has always will. The difference is we don't deliberately target them and I firmly believe we do what we can to avoid civilian casualties. We, in general respect life they have no respect for it.
It's simple, these people try and kill us, because of who we are. I don't doubt for a second that they would commit genocide on an unprecedented scale if they had the means, so they could create their "paradise". Don't try to paint them as freedom fighters or some warrior of faith. They are extremists who have twisted their faith to serve their ideals. They have little desire to interact with others in our world unless they absolutely have to and then only if it suits their best interest at the time. If they are under some yoke of oppression somewhere it is because that government has been trying to deal with the menace they present. It is a small wonder they must use force to gain power since there is not a large following for such a backwards group. It's a shame to even refer to them as Muslims, since it taints the millions of followers who are as peaceful as anyone.
It would be nice if these extremists would stand out somehow, but the fact is they can blend in with the masses. This means that many people have to keep a vigilant eye to do the utmost to prevent more killings. These backwards assholes think this is some glory, but it only increases the resolve in which we hunt them.
In general, I would say things would work much better if they peacefully worked for change. That however involves compromise which is somethng they are unwilling to do. So, my next best solution is to find the roaches and stomp them flat.
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