Put down the Kool-Aid and Step Away From The Ledge
I was over and my Dad's standing around as they were watching Fox News. One of the talking heads had Rosie O'Donnell on there. Now, I will admit to the fact I go in with a dislike of her, since I think she is no-talent bag of hot air. I don't hear much, but then she spouts off that Bush should be tried as a war criminal.
Hoookay. I don't think much of Dubya, but that is stupid. Her immediate backing statements were that he lied to the American public about going to war. I couldn't catch much more. It's shitheads like her that screws it up for us moderate Democrats. There are plenty of of us good middle of the road folk who work towards compromise and then we get torpedoed when we get too many true believers alienating eveyone else. I call her and those like her, howler monkeys since they are not really bright but make a lot of noise.
Both sides of the political fense there are these howlers who ramp up the demagoguery to 11. And unless there is some crisis, the majority of the good citizens pretty much ignore them. These are the people who are on "your side" but you don't want them there because they are just flat out fucked up. Think Michael Jackson giving you his Good Parenting Seal of Approval. Most actors spouting off about politics make moderate Dems cringe. The religious right in general usually makes the moderate Republicans shake their head.
What is really irritating now is that we've been in something akin to crisis mode for far too long. The howlers are loving this. They get to run around either doing Chicken Little impersonations or trying to intimidate people into stepping in pace. They are keeping every hot button topic alive and well, keeping them at the forefront so their moment in the sun goes into Daylight Savings. Don't get me wrong, we should keep a good eye on what is going on and fight for what we believe in. These pricks always seem to be in a fight, even if the other side is walking away, bored. Fight your good fight, put pick your battles now and then.
All I ask, is tone the rhetoric down. Bush isn't going to strap on an ivory handled revolver, don a SS uniform and blitzkrieg the Middle East. Gay's getting married isn't going to destroy the foundation to anything worth keeping. Stop shouting and listen to what each other has to say.
P.S. Dick Cheney is an evil, money grubbing cocksucker who would launch a preemptive strike on the Girl Scouts if they were in his way. All true.
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