You can take my porn when you pry it from my cold dead fingers
I love America, but I hate a lot of Americans. Maybe hate is too strong, but I can't stand these narrow minded assholes out there who have nothing better to do than trying to run other people's lives. Especially their sex lives.
I hate to say it, but the main culprit of this is organized religion. I do not want to paint all religious people with the same brush. A vast majority may not approve of your lifestyle but will just ignore it unless it's intrusive to their life. Ah but these other miserable fuckers, they're the one's that bother me.
If consenting adults ( and I mean adult humans.. consent forms with hoof or paw prints on the dotted lines aren't legal, so step away from the pony freako) are doing whatever in the privacy of their own home, then it is their business and stay the fuck out of it. A town in Texas had vice officers go after a woman who was selling sex toys at parties at private homes. She wasn't driving the Dildomobile down the street playing organ grinder (pun) tunes to call out everyone to check out her wares on the street. The only reason the cops knew about it was some woman complained that she went to a party and it cause problems with her marriage. Honey, if that caused difficulties, then you have a bigger problem and it's called your husband. The sales woman wasn't hurting anything, but she was "promoting obscentiy"
I also don't quite get why people freak out when they find there is a house in their neighborhood where they have swingers parties. Oh my GOD, multiple people are having sex in the same house. They don't even know each other.... arrrgh. What the hell do they think is going to happen.. airborne swinger virus is going to hit the neighborhood and everyone will be wife swapping by Christmas. Or just maybe there is going to be so much screwing going on that there will just be this explosion of bodily fluids coming from the house contaminating the locals. I remember the Chatsworth Jizz Flood of '02, that was a catastrophe.
Obviously there is some disconnect between what the community is saying and what they are doing when recent report by cable operators indicate that buy rate of adult features on cable/satellite are about 3 times higher in Bible Belt than rest of country. The "community" may not approve of selling adult materials but it appears many of the residents do. And these poor souls, all they get are softcore or cut up edited porn, no full penetration, no money shots someone call Amnesty International.
That all is a walk in the park compared to if you are gay. Now these pinheads really can't do much about gay people, not that they wouldn't want to run them out of town but that pesky Constitution gets in their way. For some reason these people think that gay people have this amazing Rasputin-like power to bring the youth of America to their camp. "Luke I'm your Daddy, come over the Rainbow Side", idiots. Being gay is not generally one of the "cool" things which is basis for much of their rationale , so if an adolescent is gay it's because he IS whether you like it or not. Prove to me that being gay is an choice (or a choice at all) and I will drop it. So you can imagine what chance a gay person has of trying to work in the public sphere, be it public office or God forbid, school. Their fag gremlins are more likely to attach themselves to the kids at such a close proximity, dontcha know.
Good people of the Red States, I have a dream, that one day, Billy Bob and Bubba can walk into a store in Alabama and rent Hot Lesbo Beaver Eaters #6. I have a dream, that from Nebraska to the Gulf of Mexico people can buy vibrators in all the hues of the rainbows. I have a dream that Texans can play group Twister naked at home without a Swat Team busting down their doors.
Oh and if that doesn't happen, just stay within your own backwards ass states and leave us to our delightfuly sinful existence.
I will now have the phrase "Chatsworth Jizz Flood" in my head for the next 7 years. Thanks Steve.
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