Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Cult of Celebrity

Movie stars, professional atheletes and politicians are people too. Their problem is that when they misstep, it gets out in the media and it looks worse. Are they any more ridiculous than the rest of us? I would say no. Celebrities are matched if not bested in terms of bizarre behavior or flat out stupidtiy by others in general society. These are people who may be dating a relative, are prohibited from operating heavy machinery, or are putting together a stunning suit made from aluminum foil to keep out the instructions from the mother ship. The more banal one's are just doing or have done time. So you see, Celebrities are just like the rest of us but Special.

Sometime I think it would be interesting to live in the world of a celebrity. The color of the sky in their world definitely is of a different hue. It's so wonderful they have been freed from most of our worries. It's so sweet to see a loving movie star couple get together and bring a new baby into this world. The quality 2 months they have spent together after the movie shoot they met on will certainly prepare them for the journey ahead. The Guatamalan nanny won't hurt either. Their wedding will be spectacular too, their child will be old enough to be in the ceremony, what a cute little tyke. I personally, find it inspiring that they will jump headlong into something that a crack whore would take a minute longer to think on. Courage.

Their adventurous spirit and creativity is why so many people embrace Celebs. R. Kelly is so creative that his music is not outlet enough for him, he's taken to video production and photography collections as well. Both video and photos are of underage girls, he apparently is working hard to keep in touch with a young audience. It is a testament to the power of Kelly's creativity that he was allowed to tour and share his talent. I suspect that if I apparently was in a video peeing on a teenage girl and having sex with her I would be in prison being traded by inmates for packs of cigarettes. Oh well I just am not as eminent a citizen. Method acting is amazing to see, many actors even play the part outside of the studio. Sean Penn is apparently working towards a huge part as a seminal political/religious figure come to save all. Russell Crowe periodically needs to keep his edge by engaging in some high spirited interaction with reporters, critics and hotel employees. And speaking of method, who are we to critique the means that musicians and actors find their muse. Without heroin, coke, speed, and horse tranquilizers the world would not have been blessed with some of the music we adore. These people can handle it, they work hard to deal with it, as evidenced by their frequent trips to rehabilitation clinics. Just leave them to their own devices and Celebrities will make the most of an opportunity.

Celebrities have become increasingly active participants in their local, state and even world community. Tireless work on the behalf of convicted killers, rogue nations, and little known environmental initiatives have earned them a spot in the heart of America. Their active participation in our legal system and love for our Constitution is a worthy example for our youth. Blasting away at a police car with an AK is nothing to be alarmed at, it is in fact the poetry of the rapper expressing his free speech as left to him by the Founding Fathers. The 5th amandment is another example of our favorite stars showing how the government can be a big help to those of us called before Congress. I suspect that if I exercised my 2nd Amendment right as some of the famous have done I would not fare well. It is understandable, unlike me, it is certain that a person of fame and wealth would never hurt someone even if they point a weapon at them or randomly fire away in public. Although such knowledge makes them and their family an easy target by those who have a grudge against them. It's a shame O.J Simpson and Robert Blake's lost loved one's. Most assuredly these weren't random crimes, but somehow tied to the celebrity these women knew.

I have not even scratched the surface of the unusual life of the Celebrity. They are unique individuals that have added to the dynamic nature of society. They may seem "different" but most trailblazers do. There are those of us who dream of a brave society where our children have 2 first names picked from a random list of nouns, where our right to have our bottles of Crystal served in only gold tinted glasses are not infringed upon and where we are free of harrassment by creditors, process servers and the more nitpicking parts of the legal code. If you are one these forward thinkers, thank a Celebrity for leading the way.


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