The Big One? Nope, call it more like Big Fucking Deal. The last earthquake to get me moving was Northridge, other than that, no biggie. I remember the Whittier Narrows quake, that was fun since I was sleeping in my waterbed and it hit.. woohoo ride the wave.
I laugh, when anytime something happens here, it is inevitable that my friends or I will get calls from relatives or friends asking if we are ok or if our homes are threatened. Unless a mudslide learns to travel the 101 from Ventura, we are good. Brushfires? Lack of vegetation kind of puts a damper on it. Then we have the earthquakes and my friend Joe gets IM's from family in Mass. This thing hit about hour and a half drive from LA, and it wasn't that strong to begin with. As a mapping specialist I feel I can confidently state that using maps can be beneficial, if nothing else to stave off unneccesary panic.
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