Monday, April 26, 2010

If - 4/26/10

As always feel free to play along in the comments

If your friends were to hire an escort for you without warning you beforehand, what qualities do you think they would request?
Does she like REM? Maybe ask if she has a girlfriend she could bring along with her (*cough*belated40thbirthdaygift*cough*)

If you could have a voodoo doll that functioned for one person who would that person be and what would you use it for.
Glenn Beck. I would have him go absolutely apeshit berserk at some huge rally. Maybe have him drop trou and hump Sarah Palin's leg followed by him trying to teabag Anne Coulter. Then of course he would try to strangle someone too just to have him run the gamut. Unfortunately that still may not be enough to stop him.

If you had to choose a television personality to be President of the United States, who would you pick?
Sam Waterston. He's bright, a humanitarian and just has that presidential feel to him.

If you could own a single prop from any film ever made what you choose?
Arthur's black armor from Excalibur, that was badass.


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