Sunday, July 31, 2005

If it's Vegan it must be good

I decided to peruse the PETA website. PETA also known to me as Pricks for the Extremist Treatment of Animals has a kids magazine called Grrr. They had this handy bit of info and a crossword puzzle on their site:

Have a serious case of the munchies, but the nearest health food store is 10 miles away and your Go-Ped isn't street legal? Don't worry, vegan grub is as close as the local 7-Eleven or Piggly Wiggly. You'll be surprised at how many snacks lurking on supermarket shelves are totally animal-free. Things like Cracker Jacks, Nabisco Iced Oatmeal Cookies, Krispy Kreme fruit pies, and several flavors of Jell-O Instant Pudding are all vegan. We've hidden a smorgasboard of scrumptious nosh in this puzzle, but we didn't have room for it all, so if you're hungry for more, visit

Good, we don't want anyone eating any animal products but we have no problem with you downing sugar-filled fat-loaded junkfood. I hope they choke on a blowpop which is one of their Vegan food items listed in their crossword puzzle along with Twizzlers, Hot Tamales, Famous Amos cookies and tater tots. I didn't finish the puzzle but since Wheat thins was the only thing marginally not junk food I decided it was safe to say it's pretty shitty list. Maybe this is their grand plan.. turn the world's youth into lard ass, diabetic,2 inch vertical leap, heart attack in trainings so that everyone can croak and the animals can take over. Let me reiterate my thoughts. Fuck you, fuck you and if you are unsure about my position on your concept of good food choices then why don't you go play a game of Hide and Go Fuck Yourselves.

Oh, and members of PETA.. in order to stick with your beliefs please refrain from using any medicine developed through animals testing. That should thin the herd out


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought PETA stood for "People Eating Tasty Animals." So knock me over with a feather! ;)



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