Die Charlie Die
Charlie Sheen has pretty much paraded himself around as the biggest asshole in Hollywood. Not that he definitely is but he is making a case for himself by saying it loud and clear and repeatedly. I so hope this leads to the demise of Two and A Half Men(TAAHM). I hate this show. I can't say that the show doesn't make me laugh when I have seen it but I hate it for what it represents.
Two and A Half Men is lazy television. Unfortunately too many people in the US love these predictable ultra formulaic shows. There is no change in the story and there isn't anything else to balance that fact out. Plenty of sitcoms in the past have relied on relatively static story elements but they were helped with good characters and good acting. TAAHM has little of that. The characters are people I would typically avoid because they are annoying and even when you have good actors it's tough to overcome that.
This leads me to my other huge bitch with the show. Mr. and Mrs. America have crowned this mediocre fucker as King of Comedy because for too many of them actually having to think about a joke makes their head hurt. So while other shows with very smart writing and interesting characters wither away, this sloth rakes in the money. Charlie Sheen making over a Million an episode for a part most actors who aren't brain damaged can pull off is sick. And then there is that little mouth breather of a teenager who has about as much presence as an inflatable doll hanging on a coat rack. $300,000 for that job? Really?
It would be amazing to see what the networks could so if they spent their money developing some really interesting shows. That is not likely to happen as executives don't like to take a chance. If the gamble doesn't pay off you might lose your job so that is understandable. Although I often blame them for this lack of creativity I really should not. When America speaks loud and clear that they like their sitcoms and dramas largely unimaginative then why bother taking a chance?
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