Sunday, July 30, 2006

To Be American

Sometime back in the late 80's/early 90's a customer walked into the clothing store I was working at. She was from Russia, and she mentioned about how she was having a hard time living here (California). I mentioned something about "culture shock". With a tone of contempt she explained to me we really had no culture compared to her home country. Of course the customer is always right, even when I wanted to kick her in the ass.

This event sticks in my mind since it begged the question to be asked, what is the Cultural Identity of the United States? I have been reminded of this of late as I see and feel our identity slipping.

The United States, as I imagine is the case with most countries, can claim some basic cultural elements. I believe that when most people really look at our history most of them see a frontier or pioneering spirit flowing through us. The self reliant, adventuresome, often brash person who pushed on into little known territory. Innovators, trailblazers, self made men of wealth and power. These are the people of the American Dream and the examples of what America was about. We were the land of opportunity. As with most countries, the cultural identity of the American belonged to those who had a voice. As with many other nations, the grander identity was not shared with all of its people.

The "Frontier Spirit" came at a dear cost to those who were in its way. Native Americans were pushed aside, cheated, killed and finally driven into reservations to be controlled and allow unfettered progress for the white men. The wealth of the agrarian South was built on the backs of slaves, people who were not even "people" in the eyes of most of the governments they lived under. In the North, industrialization was growing rapidly. Although their workers were free men and far better than slaves they were also less than equals, people from the Old World looking for salvation in the new. A civil war was needed to end the shameful practice of slavery. Further unrest and tragedy was needed to improve the station of the working poor in the Northern industrial centers.

Although often agonizingly slow, there was always progress. Progress, came faster for some, and could be barely measured in generations for others. There was always, however, a core of people whose spirit was driven not for the simple improvement of their or their lot in life, but for the improvement of everyone's lives.

As is common with life, the pioneering vision that has guided this country has shifted its gaze to various pursuits at different times. We have held out our hand with olive branches and hope to the world and we've brought death and destruction to those who have differed with us. We have sat idly by and allowed suffering and have spent tremendous amounts of wealth and energy to aid those in need. The fortunes of our less fortunate have been ignored at times and vigorously championed at others. As a whole, The American people have shown that at their best, they can do as much good if not more than anyone else in the world and at their worst have still not entered the depths that many have.

I see our culture fading from what it once was and what it should be. Progress has slowed. Opportunity is more jealously guarded. I can understand this, there is fear and fear causes people to lose their way. People see a growing economic giant in China. They see jobs that once were common in their cities sent to other countries. Most frightening of all, they see people who wish to destroy us simply because who we are. I don't see the spirit we once had. Our government seems content to consider business as usual a victory. Our vision as the beacon of freedom and progress for the world is not even highly regarded within our own borders. We had a golden opportunity coming out of the Cold War to do wonders for the world and we have done a miserable job. We are losing our vision.

Fear has clouded our sight of what the future holds. It is understandable, fear distracts people from what should be their goal. Burdened with doubt and fear, people will make mistakes in judgment and allow others to even make decisions for them. Being able to deal with coming change is difficult enough for most in the best of times, but can be crushing to those who are not properly focused.

Our future will come from how hard we are willing to work. It will come from making progress our priority. Our concerns cannot be about working hard to hold on to what we have now, it has to be about working hard to grasp what will be available to us in the future. We need to recognize that no matter how different someone else's outlook is, as long as it is not imposed on someone else it is no one's concern except their own. There should be no worry about other Americans' agendas, knowing that the vast majority want the same thing in the end.

Our identity as Americans is one of dreamers. The strength of dream and of vision is what has separated us from the rest. There is still much to look forward to, much that can be done. We need to put aside the petty bickering that drag us down and divert our gaze from where it should be. It is up to the American of today to ensure that they work hard to make sure future opportunity is open to more than ever, real progress that will benefit those in need is fought for and that the drive, spirit and dreams that have formed our culture are as vital as ever. Anything else would simply be Un-American.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Dad at it again

Sitting at the end of the table out on the patio Sat. night after cake and ice cream. Everybody is talking which is probably a good thing keeping too many people from overhearing the conversation. This one actually took me by surprise. The she in the convo would be my stepmom Kim who keeps father safe from himself.

John: (pointing to new lights on patio ceiling) Hey Rog, did you put these in?
Dad: Oh, hell no. She won't let me do anything. The only thing I can do now is fuck.
John: Is that right? Yea, you wish.


Well, Saturday was a good time. We celebrated Dad's and My birthday with the usual suspects. You can tell it's a fun crowd when you can have fun even when it feels like you are being slow roasted. If it wasn't for the fact that the Italian sauages were darker than me I wouldn't of sworn to who was getting grilled more.

In the late afternoon it registered 104 in the shade under the patio. We decided that we better move all the tables inside and put on the A/C. That worked ok to eat and for a while to chat, but then it started to get warm inside. Turns out the A/C died and there was nothing but uncooled air pumping out. Fortunately a breeze kicked up and we moved all the table back out to have cake and ice cream.

Just goes to show you it's all about the company you keep. If it was a group of people I didn't care about, I definitely would have been bitching a lot.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

All I Wanted Was A Beef Bowl

Amazing how something simple as going to get something to eat can just drive you batshit.

For some reason I was craving a beef bowl from Yoshinoya. As I am waiting to pull out on to the street I am waiting for an oncoming car. And waiting. I at first misjudged his speed otherwise I would have pulled out in front of him, but eventually I had to wait to see what kind of asshole drove this slow. You couldn't have moved his Audi any slower if you turned off the engine and hoisted a sail above it. Sure enough the fucker was on his cellphone. People, if you have to use your cell when you are driving, and I am guessing the majority don't, pay attention to what the hell you are doing on the road.

Next I get to Yoshinoya and I get stuck behind Bud Abbott ordering from Lou Costello. I couldn't even follow what the hell the issue was, it was something to do about who got drinks with what combo and what kind of drinks you can get etc. The guy sounded like an indecisive dipshit but the girl taking the order was dumb as a brick. Her career future is definitely in the service industry. Then she had a slightly less difficult time with the woman in front of me. Again, drink issues. She needs to be sent back to beverage training. It was the slowest fast food of my life.

Finally I got my food. Then I almost get tagged coming out of my parking space because some idiot decides to drive in to the exit only side. Fortunately that was all the drama until I got home.

Fucking beef bowl gave me indigestion.

You need to Read this blog

Not mine, but my friend Chris' getting in tune

Chris writes music reviews, interviews and profiles for an online magazine Chicago Innerview. He's got a great writing style that is very entertaining to read. He does not get near as many hits or comments on his writing as he should. Check him out.

Feel better today by the way, as I thought.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me.. yay

Well today is my birthday and the day started out ok, but by sometime after lunch I just bottomed out depressed.

Trying to figure out why is always the challenge.

I know a main reason without a doubt is Mom not being here. It just isn't the same without her around. For some reason today is tougher than most days recently have been. There is nothing I can do about that, but it doesn't stop me from wishing there was.

The problem gnawing at me that I can do something about is getting myself into shape. I keep on saying I am going to do something about it and I keep on not. Food is too much of a crutch for me in keeping me in a good mood. Need to find something else, but it's been a bitch. I don't know, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol haven't got me into gear lately, so I need to find something else. I've done it before, but I've got ot make a commitment to change my lifestyle. Stay tuned.

Saturday we get together at my Dad's place for BBQ and that will be fun. Right now, I've got a headache and I don't feel too hot. Fortunately I know tomorrow is another day entirely

Friday, July 14, 2006

Thinking XXX

I recently watched a documentary that was made for HBO called Thinking XXX. It was centered around photographer Timothy Greenfield-Saunders' photo shoots of 30 adult film stars both clothed and nude. The nudity is about the only purient factor here and it's just there, frank and upfront but it is just them posing in front of the camera.

The reason I rented it was that the stars talked about themselves, their choice of going into adult film industry, and some of the issues surrounding it. It is a fascinating topic, I've always been interested in the reasons people choose to go into this, what these people are like and just any insight into the industry in general. There were some interesting conversations, quite a few gave you thumbnail sketches of themselves and their lives which helps to flesh out (no pun intended) their personalities. Overall I found it an interesting program. And since it features both male & female stars there is something for everyone. Gentlemen, after watching this and seeing the guys on the program, repeat the mantra "size doesn't matter"

A couple of portions of the show were particularly amusing. The footage of the opening of the photo exhibit in NYC & LA. The contrast of an elder "patron of the arts" type woman standing in discussion with someone while a huge penis hung above her like a fleshy Sword of Damocles was just too good. Lou Reed does this awesome spoken word bit where he is repeating what would be the world's longest porn spam, several minutes of offers for about every porn variation there is. He even includes a reference to erect baboons, comedy gold.

So, if you are interested in seeing what makes porn stars tick, check it out.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Forget Snakes on a Plane, I've got Spiders in Trees

I love the Summer for the great weather for night time walks. What I hate are the damn spiders that come out and start a housing boom in June. Fucking spiders. ENding up with web stringing off my arms or legs are bad enough but having them slap me in the face is really disgusting. Fortunately most of the spiders around me are pretty benign, if I had to worry about a funnel web spider jumping on me when I was out for a walk I'm not sure what I would do.

I enjoy my walks and don't need these little ugly things messing me up. Still, they are better than other options. I almost ran headlong into a skunk the other night. I saw this thing about 20 feet ahead of me move out into the street and noticed it kind of jump around and then stick it's bushy black & white tail up. I did a quick about face and hoofed it the other direction. Now I'm skunk spooked as I walk at night having to keep an eye out for them as well. Nature can be annoying sometimes

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Athens, GA

I said I was going to talk more about Athens more but since it has been delayed so much I will cut it short since I have said plenty about it other places.

Athens is a nice little town, which occasionally is home to some very big events. I imagine every UGA football game makes the town a madhouse and it is home to a couple of music festivals. The great thing about going to Athfest is that although there were dozens of bands playing, their regional draw still made it a relatively small event. It was a definite nice change from the Los Angeles music festivals which are usually just a packed clusterfuck that feature extraordinarily long lines to get ultra expensive food or drink. There is something to be said about bands who have earned their way playing for a regional crowd and never having broke out and "made it".

For the most part the crowds at the different venues were fairly quiet and attentive to performers which was nice. Too often I go to a show and there are a lot of people talking away through and opening act. Irritating as hell. If you want to have a long conversation, go outside since I don't want to hear you droning on while trying to hear the band.

ALl in all Athens was a nice change. Slower paced, a brief step away from the rat race. A chance to hang out in people with people I've talked with online only and those I have met before. New friends old friends, all in all good people, good times. It would be nice if I could do this more often, but then again I guess the rarity of it all makes it all the more special.