Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, Saturday was a good time. We celebrated Dad's and My birthday with the usual suspects. You can tell it's a fun crowd when you can have fun even when it feels like you are being slow roasted. If it wasn't for the fact that the Italian sauages were darker than me I wouldn't of sworn to who was getting grilled more.

In the late afternoon it registered 104 in the shade under the patio. We decided that we better move all the tables inside and put on the A/C. That worked ok to eat and for a while to chat, but then it started to get warm inside. Turns out the A/C died and there was nothing but uncooled air pumping out. Fortunately a breeze kicked up and we moved all the table back out to have cake and ice cream.

Just goes to show you it's all about the company you keep. If it was a group of people I didn't care about, I definitely would have been bitching a lot.


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