The USA is about as popular with the world as herpes right now. Not a surprise since our foreign policy is in the hands of Dick Cheney. On a "in good hands" spectrum that ranks right around trying to keep your daughter safe by sending her to the R. Kelly/Roman Polanski Camp for Troubled Nubile Teen Girls.
Yes, we are stirring up a ton of shit and yes it hasn't made anyone safer anywhere. Part of all this stems from trying to clean up messes. The US is responsible for a number of messes we try to clean up later. That's what happens when you project power, sometimes you remedy one problem, but the side effect is a bitch. After just finishing up a book I am reminded that much of the messes the world is dealing with today branch out from one direction, the the great colonial game played out between European powers.
If you look at most of the trouble spots in Africa & Middle East at the very least, you can probably trace some foundation of their troubles to colonial ambitions of Britain, France or one of the lesser European nations. They fucked over the native population by sucking up their natural resources with little return. They often did their best to tear apart the local culture to make it in the image of the colonizer.
And in their inherent wisdom, Europeans created what would become new countries out of agreements they made with each other. Putting together long standing rivals in one boundary was not a problem as long as Britain was ok with it and fit well with colonial companies plans. Why do so many of these countries have some many problems today? Try putting together a new Nation made up of White Supremacists, Nation of Islam, Atheists and Neo-Cons. See how that works for you. It's called grease fire in an ammo dump. Not a big surprise when you consider that most of these countries did not exist as truly independent until 50-60 years ago at best. We've had a long head start on them, hopefully they will peacefully elect and re-elect a cumbubble of a president themselves before long.
Sure we have screwed up plenty of countries, but I just wanted to give a shout out to our pals overseas, the world just wouldn't have been the same without you