If - March 29th
Haven't done an If segment for a while, play along at home
You were to prescribe a cure for grief, what would it entail?
Time and good friends. It will take time to soften the blow and then time spent with good friends to put life back in perspective.
You had to pick the nationality of people that you find the most attractive, which would it be?
I would have to say that the women I have seen from a number of the Eastern European countries namely former Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia are hands down the most beautiful.
You could have your portrait painted by any painter in history, to whom would you give the commission?
John Singer Sargent. He captured not only the likeness of his subjects he captured their personality. His subjects always held a nobility about them no matter who it was.
You could say one sentence to the current Pope, what would it be?
You know, the whole ant-gay and anti birth control thing probably was important when the chosen people needed to procreate, but we've kind of passed that point.
Agreed about the women from Eastern Europe, but you have never seen the women from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, I guess. You better fasten your seat belts ;)
Sadly though, all those beauties mentioned above don't last very long, as they tend to age very badly and look like 60 when they are around 40 :(
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