Anyone Want to Be A Hero?
Would you want to be a superhero? At face value it would seem like a no brainer that you would want superpowers. Who wouldn't want to be able to fly, be invisible, benchpress SUV's, or have a myriad of other powers?
Couldn't these powers be a curse as well as a blessing? Would you feel obligated to use your powers help someone at every opportunity? Would you use your powers to commit crimes? Could you take the pressure of having to save everyone from everything or at least feel like you should like the superheroes in the comics do?
Perhaps some power would be good. I for one wouldn't want to be the super duper super hero. Superman is the most extreme example. Superman is basically bullshit. The man flies all over the world constantly looking to prevent some catastrophe. You know how impossible that would be. There are billions of people out there and several million of them at any given time are doing something totally fucking stupid. And every one of them would be calling you out when you couldn't bail them out.
I guess if you narrowed it down to only going after the major disasters it might work. Where do you draw the line on who gets saved? In the comics good ol Supes saves people from major building infernos to even someone in an auto accident. Good, while you are busy with the 2 people in the car wreck a ferry just went tits up in the North Atlantic drowning 45. The man would be so busy, he would barely have time to eat let alone anything else like sleep or sex. In between the sleep deprivation and severe blue balls his flight path would be erratic as hell.
I guess classic Superman only did his thing in Metropolis, which of course would make it easier, but how pissed off would the people of neighboring Wilsonville be if they had a disaster that was left to the regular folk while Superman was piddling around with minor criminals in his town.
Superman is at the far extreme, fortunately the more modern superheroes are more "human" with powers. That in itself is scary. Think of some of the people you encounter on a daily basis and imagine them with super powers? There would be more people dying than being helped either by accident or design. How many people would step up to protect the regular people from the Super Bastards out there? Fortunately, I believe most people want to do the right thing. Some would use their powers well to help others and a vast majority of others would do little to help but at least not do harm.
I don't think I could be some front line guy fighting criminals. I think I would get pissed off so often seeing what they've done that I would end up obliterating some of the scumbags. That's generally not considered to be nice Super Hero behaviour. For me, I would probably like to be a super genius. I would be the one creating all the super gadgets for the caped crusaders.It would be cool to make wild gadgets that gave you tremendou power, but also taking care of life's little annoyances with one's inventions would be worthwhile too.
I think a leading invention would be a non-lethal device to modify people's behaviour. It would be called The Defecator. Basically, point the device at a person and it shoots a beam into them that makes them unload their bowels. No real harm, but if you just made them totally shit themselves it would probably stop them from fighting someone, driving too fast on the freeway or a variety of life's other annoyances/dangers. You piss me off, it's poopy time. If the person is still going even after they've shit all over themselves then I would know they are deranged and I should run away from them, or hit them with the Crotch Rocket.
Fortunately, I have no such worries about how to use super powers, but if anyone out there acquires some give me a call. I've got ideas. I'm a geek, it comes with the territory.