Time Out For Music
I have picked up some new tunes last month. I haven't gotten around to listening to everything but I do have a couple of recommendations
Grant Lee Phillips - Nineteeneighties - Sure, he's loaded his album with great songs, but dammit it still sounds great. Some songs stand out more than others, I Often Drema of Trains and The Killing Moon being my favorites. These are just favorites at the moment, all of the songs are good and worth checking out.
Single: How It Ends by Devotchka - I discovered from the last half of the trailer for the movie Everything Is Illuminated on the Good Night & Good Luck DVD. Nothing complex about it, fairly simple instrumentaly. There is something about the singer's voice, this sound that is fairly plaintive. Fortunately I found the info on adtunes which has a great forum when you want to know music you see on TV/Movies in the US. Unfortunately iTunes' clip doesn't quite do it justice
Single: I Fought In A War by Belle & Sebastian - Another one I had seen in a movie, This time I had actually just listened to it a couple of hours before by strange coincidence as I had just bought the album Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant. Starts off very spare, but it builds to a nice rhythm with some nice simple arrangements. It fits well at the end of the documentary Why We Fight
Always nice to hear people's recommendations. I like what I've previously heard from Grant Lee Phillips, which isn't that much, so I may give this album a go. Thanks.
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