Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Week That Was

Ok, ok I didn't blog like I was supposed to... my bad.

Last week was hell. Monday the 12th I got into work and it dawned on me that I totally missed the boat on what all I had to do. I added in new set of aerial photography into our big set of maps and it caused a domino effect that was brutal, a ton of things had to be changed. Monday I worked until about 6, went home, changed and went to Oasis concert since I couldn't get rid of the tickets. After Oasis concert I went back to the office and worked straight through, going home at 5:30 AM to shower and change. I worked the day through til 5:30 then went home to get ready for Decemberist show (these tickets had been purchased month or more ago). Saw The Decemberists (great show) then came back to work and did not stop until about 5:30 PM Wed. night.

So, for Mon & Tuesday I had about 1 hour of sleep total (approx. dozing time at my desk). Wed. & Thursday nights were better but still got up around 4AM on Friday and I needed every hour. That week beat the shit out of me.

Saturday I went to KROQ's Inland Invasion show, which I will discuss later. That was a good time, nice to be able to hang out and see about 9 different bands.

So, this week has been much more back to normal. Typically I look for something a little more "interesting" to happen but I'll take normal for now


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Dixie said...

I can't believe your week. You are the Energizer baboon.


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