Thursday, December 01, 2005

Kids These Days

My roommate is in the Big Brother program. He was talking to his little brother and asked him about his grades. His little brother Eric, said he got them but he wasn't going to show Gerald since they sucked. Gerald told him he needed to keep up his grades if we wanted to go to school to be a video game designer. Eric reflecting on this agreed and mentioned that he might have to go with his back-up plan. Gerald had to convince him to reveal his backup plan. Apparently it was to be a porn star. Where he got this idea I am not sure, but I doubt it was from career day at school.

Then again, I recall writing an essay in junior high on future plans and I wrote that I thought I might become a mercenary. Imagine if I was a kid now... there would be alarms going off... Commissioner Gordon would be on the Bat line.. and you would have a parent/teacher conference faster than you can say Chuck Heston. Ah, the golden years.


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